Responsible for content

Rohr 15
CH-1712 Tafers
Phone: +41 (0)79 767 71 07
E-Mail: rondo-rohr(at)

Jean-Marie Egger, owner
Angela Oberson Egger, owner


The published content on has been checked for accuracy with the utmost care. However, no guarantee can be given for the correctness, accuracy, up-to-dateness, reliability or completeness of the content of this information.

Rondo-Rohr expressly reserves the right to change, delete or temporarily not publish all or part of the content at any time and without prior notice.

Rondo-Rohr may not be held liable for any material or immaterial damage that may be caused by access to the information published or by its use or non-use, by misuse of the connection or by technical problems.

References an links

Rondo-Rohr and its content managers are not responsible for any references or links to third-party websites. Access to and use of third-party websites is at the user’s own risk. The information content, offers, services, etc. of third-party websites referred to are entirely the responsibility of the third party concerned. Rondo-Rohr and its content managers expressly declare that they have no influence whatsoever on the content, offers, etc. of the linked sites. We accept no liability for the websites of third parties.


The images published are subject to the copyright of Rondo-Rohr. Images, sounds and videos of artists performing on stage are subject to the copyright of Rondo-Rohr or the artists. In accordance with the contractual provisions between Rondo-Rohr and the artists, Rondo-Rohr is authorised to publish these documents. In the event of interest in a picture, sound or video, the written agreement of Rondo-Rohr must be requested. The company names mentioned or used on the web pages are the property of the companies mentioned and are subject to the copyright of the companies mentioned.

Photo credits :

Jean-Marie Egger

legal notice – V1 – September 2023